Saturday, July 9, 2011

New House

So the New Year's resolution didn't quite work out...

Here's to hoping I find time to update the blog with posts on
the new house, job, town, and all of our adventures!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Blog

My New Year’s resolution? To make time to start blogging again.  I know I won’t just magically find time, so I sincerely hope to make time.  I have almost seven months of pictures and videos that have gone unedited, untouched, unenjoyed…that’s just no good.
So—here we go!
We had a (relatively) quiet New Year’s Eve with the girls at home.  They helped us make all kinds of appetizers earlier in the day, and we munched through the night while playing games like Zingo, Sequence for Kids, Pengoloo, KerPlunk, and Disney Scene It.  We made Mint Madness ice cream sundaes—peppermint ice cream topped with hot fudge, a mini candy cane and a peppermint patty.  YUM.  We changed the clocks so that Lucy and Ella thought they stayed up until midnight, and made sure to tell them that the noisemakers were only for after midnight!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Jaeden and Audrey...they were so cute together!

Ella, Lucy, Cole
Jorie, Jaeden, Ava

My godsons, Jaeden and Charlie!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Brewers Game

To wrap up what felt like the busiest weekend ever, Mark and Ellen took Julie, Patrick, Paul, Greg, the girls, and I to a Brewers Game--Audrey's first!  The weather was very confusing...on the way in, I was nervous that the girls were going to be cold.  A few innings into the game, the clouds broke and the sun came out.  If you ask Lucy, she'll tell you that we were "so hot we were melting," and I couldn't agree more.  It was fun to be at Miller Park and to take in the excitement of the game, but as expected, I watched very little of the actual game.  Lucy and Ella loved their kids' meal and the Brewers coloring book I made, and Audrey and I had fun walking around the (air conditioned) Team Shop.  We left before the game ended, but we also managed to leave before anyone had a breakdown...success!  All three girls were asleep before we got out of the parking lot, and we took the long way home to let them snooze.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Greg's Dinner

To celebrate Greg's completion of residency, his parents planned a dinner with the two of us, Julie, Patrick, and Paul.  Greg picked the restaurant--Hinterland--and knew we were getting a babysitter (thanks, again, Auntie Chris...).  What he didn't know was that Mark and Ellen were surprising him with a limo ride to the restaurant!  I managed to have Greg ready on time, and then suggested we get our picture taken out front.  As we were waiting for my aunt to come out, the limo pulled up.  Greg said (in his most sarcastic voice), "Look, our limo's here."  I said, "Yeah, it is!" and the look on his face was priceless!  All he could say was, "Shut. Up." 

We had enough time to take the girls (along with Lainy, my Aunt Chris' granddaughter) on a ride around the neighborhood.  Lucy and Ella thought it was Oma and Opa's new car...

The limo ended up being not only fun, but very convenient.  During the planning of this dinner, I had somehow overlooked that Summerfest would be going on--traffic and parking were crazy!  It was great to start the evening completely relaxed...we felt so spoiled.

We sat at the Chef's Table, where they brought us course after course of yummy food and wine.  We had the opportunity to have lots of uninterrupted adult was the perfect evening, and a great way to celebrate Greg's accomplishment!

Audrey's New Trick