Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Greg and I knew that New Year's Eve was going to be low-key...he had been on call for the entire week over Christmas and through the weekend, and then worked an overnight shift and was post call on New Year's Eve.  With me spending most of the week recovering from my nasty sickness, it ended up being extremely low-key.  We hung out with the girls, ignored the messy house and growing to-do list, played lots of games, made dinner, had kiddie cocktails, and busted out the New Year hats and noise makers that I bought 6 years ago and have used every year since.  We talked a lot about what New Year's Eve meant and had been explaining traditions to the girls, so they were REALLY excited about our "party" and loved the countdown to midnight (done at 8:00).  I love that it doesn't take much to throw Lucy and Ella the "best party ever!"

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Christmas Story

It's time for some catching up on the blog!

We went to church with my mom and dad on Christmas Eve.  The girls were so well behaved and really enjoyed the service, which was somewhat directed at kids.  They got to go up to the alter during the sermon to hear a Christmas story, see the huge nativity scene, and sing Silent Night to baby Jesus...they were thrilled!  After church we had dinner and exchanged a few gifts at my mom and dad's with Grandma and Grandpa Kuff and Uncle Scott.

We set out milk and cookies for Santa and put some reindeer food that Lucy brought home from a zoo class outside our front door for Rudolph and friends.  The next morning, we saw that the food was gone and Lucy and Ella found 2 bells that had fallen off the reins while the reindeer were eating!

These are the gifts that Lucy and Ella shopped for and wrapped themselves--they were SO excited to give these out!

Greg got a new watch from Ella and some fishing lures from Lucy, and both girls picked out some beautiful jewelry for me.  Ella bought Lucy a princess watch and necklace and Audrey a new rattle.  Lucy got a "Make Your Own Slime" kit for Ella and a book for Audrey.  Greg and I were very touched by the level of thoughtfulness and pride that went into each gift!

Ella's sweet face full of Christmas morning excitement!

After our wonderful morning together, we drove out to my Grandma Werner's house for the afternoon and evening.  Here's Lucy and Ella with Charlie...he's such a sweetheart!  We had a great (albeit crazy) day with my aunts, uncles, cousins, and their kids.  Lucy and Ella played with the other kids all day and had a blast--Greg and I were pleasantly surprised at how well behaved they were despite being off schedule and being so jacked up on Christmas!

Ella had tons of fun with Uncle Bobby...she absolutely adores him, and I think he feels the same way about her!

Lucy and Uncle Billy

The next day we went to Julie and Patrick's house to celebrate with Greg's immediate family:  Mark, Ellen, Julie, Patrick, and Paul.  We all collaborated to make a yummy stir-fry dinner, did our gift exchange, and played a great Christmas trivia game that Julie and Patrick came up with.

I woke up on Sunday feeling a little queasy, but chalked it up to being short on sleep and holiday eating.  We got ready and headed to my parents' house for Christmas with Mom, Dad, Bill, and his girlfriend, Lindsey.  As we were unloading the car, I started to get the chills and immediately knew I was sick when I didn't want any of the Polish sausage for the brunch Mom and Dad had's my favorite!  I bundled up under a pile of blankets in the recliner and ended up with a raging fever.  I am completely embarassed to say that I threw up right in the living room and then spent the rest of the day in bed.  It was so sad!  I missed the whole day, and didn't really feel better until Tuesday.  Thanks again to everyone for all your help with the girls while I rested.  Other than the obvious unfortunate ending to our Christmas celebrations, we really did have an amazing time.  We feel so blessed to have these 3 gifts to wake up to every morning!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas in Shawano

As always, our visit to Shawano was tons of fun!  Mark and Ellen's house looked beautiful, and Lucy and Ella were very excited to show off the decorations that they had helped with during their visit earlier in the month.  We spent some time with Grandmother and Grandfather, Ellen's parents, and Uncle Pauly was there for the whole weekend!  It was wonderful spending time together, relaxing, and enjoying some very yummy meals! 

Mark and Ellen brought the girls some gifts from a trip they went on--a genie lamp, slippers from Turkey, and a belly dancing outfit!  This video shows the girls trying out the belly dancing outfit.  They decided to make music with one of Ella's other gifts, a new accordian!

Opa and Oma with Ella and Lucy...they are wearing the jammies to match their new American Girl Bitty Baby dolls, who (at the moment) are named Sue and Lu.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lucy's Christmas Concert

Lucy had a Christmas concert at school with her 3K class, and it was absolutely adorable.  They started off with the song they sing to say hello to everyone in the morning.

Then they did a few of their preschool songs, like Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and this one:

Next came the Christmas songs.  Here's Snowflakes Falling and Jingle Bells:

Ella wanted nothing more than to be up there with the class.  She was so sweet!

Next came Away in a Manger and Silent Night.  Before school Lucy told me her teacher said to bring in a stuffed animal to rock during these songs.  I KNEW she didn't say that, but I certainly didn't want Lucy to be the only one without an animal, so she brought one.  Once we got there, I saw that none of the other kids had one and I figured Lucy had forgotten all about it.  When her teacher announced they were singing Away in a Manger and Silent Night, Lucy raised her hand and asked if she could get her reindeer from her cubby!  She was so dramatic and into her performance...hilarious.

They finished the show with a rambunctious rendition of We Wish You a Merry Christmas and their Goodbye Song.  What a show!

Thanks so much to Auntie Julie and Grandma and Grandpa for coming...she was so proud to have you there!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Troy Polamalu

This is Troy Polamalu.

One day when we took Ella's braids out, Greg told her she looked like Troy Polamalu.  We showed her this picture, and she thought that was hilarious!

My Godson

Charles Benjamin Wilinski

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bethlehem Marketplace

After ringing bells, we had tickets to see Bethlehem Marketplace at Elmbrook Church.  This was our first time there, but we had heard it was really amazing.  We were dressed in lots of layers because of bell-ringing, and were running late because of lunch, diapers, potty-breaks, etc. so the whole thing didn't start off on exactly the right foot.  I told Greg where to go, and as we were approaching the church, I realized it was the wrong one!  I have driven past Spring Creek Church a million times my head, it was Elmbrook.  Guess what?  It's not.  It's Spring Creek.  Ugghh!  So, thanks to my cousin Laura, we found Elmbrook and got inside. 

We couldn't bring a stroller, so I hooked Audrey up in the Baby Bijorn, and we got in line.  Once they let you in, you watch a short video introduction.  Then you move on to the Time Tunnel, which takes you back in time to Bethlehem.  The Time Tunnel is a pitch-black hallway with strobe girls DID NOT like it.  But once we were in, all was calm, all was bright.  After a minute or so, we realized it was over 80 degrees in Bethlehem!!!  Instant sweating.  The first room was the oasis--there was a real camel, chickens, roosters, and sheep.  The girls were VERY excited.  They met some people in tents making bread and porridge, and on the way into Bethlehem, they had to register with the town.  They each received some sheckels to spend at the marketplace, and after one more hallway, we were in.  Within a minute, Ella was screaming, "I'm peeing!" and began crying at the top of her lungs.  She soaked her jeans all the way down her legs.  So, guess where we had to go to find a restroom?  Through the Time Tunnel.

Lucy realized this before we got there, and announced, " I WILL NOT go through the Time Tunnel," and began crying.  After dragging our screaming children through the TT,  we were chased down by a little boy who worked there.  He promised to show us the secret passage way into Bethlehem so that there wouldn't be anymore TT drama.  We found the restrooms, and keeping my cool--mentally, that is...I was dripping with sweat--I told Greg to use the blow dryer on her jeans.  I didn't have extra clothes, as Ella has never had an accident and is just about done potty training...lesson learned.

I decided to take Lucy to the bathroom as well, and saw that there weren't any blow dryers.  However, I remembered that the girls WERE dressed in layers!  I had Lucy remove her cotton tights from under her jeans, found a man to hunt Greg down in the Men's room, delivered the tights, and decided to just laugh at the fact that Ella would be exploring Bethlehem wearing a turtleneck, sweater, tights, and boots.  After we went through the passage way back into Bethlehem, the girls were wonderful and had an amazing time.
It was so realistic!  The girls bought bread and honey, grapes, a bracelet, some beads, and gave money to a beggar.  They learned how to make a rope and watched women make pottery.  After making our way through the market, we ended up at the Nativity Scene, where there was a real baby Jesus with Mary and Joseph.  Lucy and Ella had such a sparkle in their eyes...they loved it so much!  It was definitely worth all the trouble we went through, and we will definitely go back next year...with extra clothes packed.

Ringing Bells

We rang bells for the Salvation Army at Macy's this year, and it was awesome! It was great being at Mayfair...Greg could walk the mall with Audrey and either Lucy or Ella (whoever wasn't ringing at the time), and we rang in the vestibule so we were not completely outside. Lucy took her job very seriously--I mentioned to her that she should say thank you when people put money in the bucket, and that she could say "Merry Christmas" if she wanted to. Not a single person walked in or out of Macy's without hearing Merry Christmas from Lucy, and each and every person who donated got a heartfelt thank you from her. With every donation, Lucy looked up at me smiling and bursting with pride, as if saying, "We did it, Mommy!" It was beyond adorable and made me tear up over and over again. Ella rang for a few minutes, but is either too young or was having too much fun in the mall...she didn't last very long. Lucy took a hot chocolate break, but stayed with me for over an hour! I couldn't believe how many more people donated when Lucy was with me...she really melted hearts. While we were ringing she told me, "This is fun spreading Christmas cheer!"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

4 Months

Audrey is 4 months old! She weighed in at 14 pounds, 7 ounces, and measured 25.5 inches. She is officially a thumb-sucker, but will occasionally take the nuk when offered. Audrey loves to coo and sing, and we have heard a few precious giggles from her...we know that laughing is going to happen soon! She is still a good sleeper--we can usually count on one 8-hour stretch at night, and she usually goes back down after her early morning feeding. Audrey just adores her sisters, and it's obvious the feeling is mutual. Lucy and Ella can't wait to see her in the morning, and love showing her toys and singing songs to her. Audrey started batting at toys this month, and in the last few days has attemped to grab things. She's such a happy baby--I feel so lucky to have her in my life. I love you, sweet girl!

Here's a video of a very sleepy Audrey singing the blues, fighting sleep, and sucking her thumb...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Jingle Bells

Ella has been asking me to watch the Monster Mash video from Halloween, so I surprised her with this more seasonally-appropriate one. The girls loved it!

They wanted to dance like the video...too cute.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Werner Ladies Christmas

Each year at the beginning of December, the ladies in my family get together for a day to share a meal, relax, and enjoy a Christmasey day together.  This tradition started 6 years ago because we decided that Christmas Day was so hectic that we didn't really get to take our time, relax, and catch up with one another.  This year my aunt Chris hosted--her house was gorgeous and the food was amazing!  The best part of my day was when my cousin Peg asked me to be her new baby Charlie's godmother!  I was flattered and honored and can't wait to get to know this little sweetheart!