Sunday, June 28, 2009

Surprise Birthday Lunch

My mom surprised me with a birthday lunch with my grandma, aunts, cousins, and girlfriends at That's Amore. We sat on the gorgeous patio--it was a beautiful day! Thanks so much to all of you who came, and thanks so much to Mom for putting it all together...I had lots of fun!

Me and Mom
Kristi Jo, me, Steph, and Mel

Laura, Grandma, me, and Auntie Mary

Auntie Tracy, me, Auntie Gail, and Christy

Auntie Chris, me, and Peg

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jennie's Bachelorette Party

My friend and bride-to-be Jennie had her bachelorette party at her was sleepover themed, and everything was adorable! It was such a fun, relaxing evening with the girls. Jennie, I couldn't be happier for you! Love you, girl!

Friday, June 26, 2009


We haven't had the best of luck lately around here. It started with my headache and afternoon in the hospital, continued with our downstairs fridge (full of meat, cheese, and milk) dying, and then went on with news of Greg's car needing major work done (air intake sensor, brakes, tires, etc, etc). However, we have reason to believe our luck is about to change! Greg and the girls found this four leaf clover growing in our backyard today--yay!

Happy Birthday to Me

I know it has been quite a while since I have posted...I guess life has been crazy lately. I really hope to go back and post about the fun things we have been up to. For right now, I just want to say thank you to all of you who wrote and called with birthday wishes--I appreciate it so much! I love this picture of the girls--they were helping me make a birthday cake.
I also wanted to give a little update on my pregnancy. The last time I saw my doctor, she told me to call in if I had a headache that wouldn't go away because headaches are another indicator of preeclampsia. I am prone to headaches, so I wasn't surprised when I ended up with one last Friday. It continued to get worse as the evening went on and was so horrible though the night that I didn't sleep at all...I honestly don't know if a headache has ever kept me up for an entire night before. I called in Saturday morning and spent the afternoon getting evaluated at St. Joe's. Everything was pretty much the same--I still had protein in my urine and my blood pressure was higher than it should be. They sent me home with some sleeping pills to help me rest, and by Sunday afternoon I was starting to feel better. I went in for a follow-up on Tuesday to find out more of the same...nothing is really changing. They want to keep a close eye on me and told me to take it easy when I can. I go in again today for another check--hopefully all is well!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My 30th Birthday

On the evening of my birthday, we went out for dinner with Mom, Dad, and Bill at Fox and Hounds restaurant way out in Hubertus. The restaurant is in a very pretty setting and the food was really yummy! Thanks again for a fun night!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I love these pictures Greg took of my babies...

Monday, June 22, 2009

Maya's Birthday

Tina, Jordan, and Maya Miller came to visit us from Madison, and it was Maya's 2nd Birthday! We had a very fun playdate with them and loved having a party for Maya.

Tina made a yummy cake...Maya was VERY happy about this. Happy birthday, Maya! We love you!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

We spent Father's Day at my grandma's house on the lake. We took a pontoon boat ride, and both girls got a chance to drive the boat with Auntie Gail.
Grandpa took Lucy and Ella out on the paddle boat, and Grandma helped Lucy find seashells.

Lucy was very proud of her giant clam shell! She filled a bucket with all her findings and picked a few to come home with us.

Both girls loved fishing with Daddy...
After doing some swimming and playing in the sandbox, we were exhausted! Grandma Werner (GG to the girls) made us a delicious dinner to end the day. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for all of your help so that I could take it easy. Of course, thanks to Greg for being such an amazing daddy, and to Grandpa and Opa for being wonderful grandfathers to Lucy and Ella...they are lucky to have great men in their lives!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Tiny Tutus

The girls were so excited for their first ballet class! I was SO bummed that I couldn't be there. That was the migraine/afternoon in the hospital day...anway, they had a blast!

There are only 4 girls in the class, which is great. They will learn new moves each week and put on a little recital at the end of the session--video will be taken!

I love these poses...Greg had to take pictures through the window on the door, but we are hoping to get in and get some higher quality pictures during an upcoming class.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Our Anniversary

Our 6th Wedding Anniversary landed on Father's Day, so Greg and I celebrated a few days earlier. Greg surprised me with a night away at the American Club in Kohler. We ate great food, had uninterrupted conversation, and worked on Lucy and Ella's baby books--I'm determined to finish them before baby #3 arrives! Ellen came down to stay with the girls and allowed us to spend some much-needed time together...thanks so much, El! Greg, thank you for your thoughtfulness in planning our little escape. These past 6 years have been amazing...I love you so much!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sweet Lucy Jane

I love these pictures of Luce. It's her REAL smile, not her "mom's-taking-another-picture-of-me" smile. Her hair is all crazy from the humidity and her nap. She looks so much older...I can't believe she's such a big girl already. Time really does fly. Sigh.

Fun with Chloe Jo

Greg took some adorable pictures of Chloe the night the Simek family came over to celebrate my birthday. We had a super fun night with yummy homemade pizzas and monster cupcakes--thanks again, guys!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tutus, Airplanes, and Cars

Lucy and Ella are starting a ballet class together next weekend, so last Friday we took them shopping for their leotards. They are so excited! Greg and I are, too...watching them dance will be hysterical.
We were going to my mom and dad's for dinner that night, so we did a fashion show and surprised them with the new outfits!
I had my 28 week check up last week, and didn't get the "everything looks great, see you next time," that I have gotten used to hearing. My doctor was a little concerned because there was protein in my urine, my blood pressure was high for me (although not high in general), and I was measuring a week or two ahead of where I am (I have always measured within 1-2 days of where I am). These could be signs that I am heading toward preeclampsia, which would most likely mean bed rest. Ultimately, my doctor didn't want me to be overly concerned, as I haven't had problems in the past, but it is tough to hear that and not worry at least a little. So, since we didn't have major plans for the weekend, we decided to get going on preparing for baby sister.

We got baby clothes out of the attic and started on tons of laundry, moved Ella's clothes into Lucy's room (they will eventually be sharing that room), and did major reorganization in both bedrooms, the living room, and the basement. The house is still a shambles and there are bins and piles of clothes all over the place, but we are getting there. It will be a huge relief to have this big project done!
We had visitors while we were working on Saturday--Kristi and Chloe stopped in to play! Lucy and Ella just adore her...watching them with her makes me so excited to see them as big sisters!
The girls got Greg a remote control airplane for Christmas last year, and Saturday evening was the perfect time to try it out. We all needed to get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful weather, so we headed to the park. The plane flew really well, but it's tough to control--Greg got it stuck in the trees a few times!
Lucy took a turn at being pilot, and did an awesome job! She was thrilled to be in control and had tons of fun trying to give Daddy "buzz cuts."
Sunday was another work day...again, by the evening we needed a break. We took the girls to see Up, the new Disney/Pixar movie, and it was SO GOOD! We loved it, and highly recommend seeing it (even if you don't have kids)!
After school today, Lucy and Ella played in our little pool in the backyard and enjoyed the sunshine. Greg put them to work washing both of our cars. Lucy said, "We should wash Mommy's car to thank her for taking us to school, stores, and other fun places." SO sweet!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Backyard Fun

Here's Lucy pondering the meaning of life...

Today was a perfect day to hang out in the backyard...and that's about all we did after Lucy got home from school.
This past weekend my friend Jennie and her fiance, Brian, came over to ask the girls to be flower girls for their wedding in July! They are so excited and have been practicing with the paper petals we made every day.
Lucy, Ella, and I all get our hair cut by my cousin, Vern. She usually comes to our house, but on Monday we went out to the salon where she works and got cuts done there...the girls felt very special in the big chair wearing the cape. They amazed Greg and I and sat still the entire time! Vern used her blow dryer on Lucy and she left with a head full of curls--it was adorable. We spent the rest of the day running errands and then surprised my mom at work with a chocolate shake. It was a fun day together as a family!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance

Lucy and Ella have been putting on some pretty hysterical dance performances lately, and I have FINALLY captured them on video.

Ella created the Twist (the "twritt") and the Sand Crab dance all by herself.  She samples a little bit of Lucy's Cha Cha in this clip as well.  The Sand Crab is not quite true to form...she usually adds some great pinchers with her hands, but this was the best I could get on tape.

Lucy shows off her version of the Cha Cha, the Twist, and plays the steel drums a bit in this clip.

Watch Me Grow

Along with her regular preschool and gym classes, Lucy has been taking a class that's all about plants and gardens.  She has planted all kinds of flowers and vegetables and has learned about seeds and what makes plants grow. 

Her latest project was making a trellis for the garden!  She helped with the sawing, hammered the nails, and painted it all by herself.  We are so happy to have such a pretty and useful decoration in our garden.

In today's class, Lucy planted the ingredients to make a pizza!  She brought home onions, peppers, tomatoes, oregano, and "flour" (it was a flower) all in a pizza cute.

Carousel Zoo Class

Ella and Greg attended a Zoo class today all about the Zoo Carousel!  
Here is Ella riding the carousel tiger she made.  She had a blast painting, singing, doing felt boards and play-doh, and eating animal fruit snacks during story time!

The class, of course, ended with a ride on the Zoo Carousel.  I am pretty sure we have met our quota for rides on a merry-go-round this year...what do you think?  When Ella got home, she informed that while they got to take a ride, they DID NOT see the Washington Monument.  Hilarious.

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was Mom and Dad's 31st Wedding Anniversary!  Their life together is an amazing example of what a marriage should be...full of love, laughter, trust, and honesty.  I am grateful for being raised in the happy home that they created and for the lessons they have taught me about love.  Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!  I love you!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday Monday

Monday morning was warm and sunny...perfect for the sprinkler!  Lucy and Ella helped water the garden and had fun getting wet and running around.  As we were getting ready for lunch, the weather took a crazy turn and all of a sudden it was cold and windy!  That evening, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner and lots and lots of playing.  Both girls love taking care of their babies that live at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and they have everything they need to do so...a cradle, pack n play, play gym, highchair, stroller, car seat, baby carrier, clothes, bottles, and blankets galore.  I am hoping all this practice means they will be big helpers with their baby sister!

All About Ella

Ella has cracked us up with quite a few things lately...she refers to Lightning McQueen, the main character in Cars, as "Lightning the Queen."  We have a movie called Veggie Tales:  Lord of the Beans.  After watching the first half one night, Ella asked if we could watch more "Lima the Beans" the next night.  "Veggie Tales" somehow morphed into "Jelly Beans," too.

Dropping Lucy off at school has always been kind of tough for Ella.  She gets a little sad and always gives Lucy a huge hug and kiss.  Last week, Ella took it to a whole new level...she put on quite the display of love for her sister.  She screamed the entire way out, not wanting to leave without Lucy.  We went to Pick N Save, and Ella sat in a regular cart.  She scooted her butt over to "make room for Lucy."  I told Ella we had to pay for our groceries, see what time it was, and then we would probably go get Lucy.  She was silent the whole time we were at the checkout.  Immediately after finishing, Ella asked me, "Can I see what time it is on your phone?  Can we go get Lucy?"  Once we got back to school, Ella ran in and literally knocked Lucy over with her hug.  She held Lucy's hand until we got in the car, and kept telling her, "I'm so glad you're here, Lucy!"

We started working on potty training this past weekend!  Ella picked out Pull-Ups (she chose Cars over Princesses), and has gone potty almost every single time we have put her on the toilet.  We got out the Puff Ball Jar that we used with Lucy...right now, Ella gets to put in a puff ball (one of those little pom-pom things) every time she goes potty.  As she gets better, we up the requirements to things like keeping her Pull-Up dry.  Once she gets enough puff balls, we take a trip to Toys R Us for a new toy.  She seems pretty excited about everything, and Lucy has been encouraging her like a good big sister.  Wish us luck!

Saturday Fun

Saturday morning we went to the zoo with Oma, Opa, and Auntie Julie.  It was a beautiful day to be outside, and we had a great time!

A ride on the carousel was mandatory!

When we got home, Uncle Bill and his friend Lindsey came over with Betsy and Lindsey's new puppy, Juno.

Juno is a lab-pit bull mix, and she has gorgeous blue eyes!  The girls thought Juno's puppy behavior was hilarious and had a blast chasing her around the yard.

Lucy and Ella ended the day with snow cones made on the new snow cone maker Oma and Opa brought them!