My New Year’s resolution? To make time to start blogging again. I know I won’t just magically find time, so I sincerely hope to make time. I have almost seven months of pictures and videos that have gone unedited, untouched, unenjoyed…that’s just no good.
So—here we go!
We had a (relatively) quiet New Year’s Eve with the girls at home. They helped us make all kinds of appetizers earlier in the day, and we munched through the night while playing games like Zingo, Sequence for Kids, Pengoloo, KerPlunk, and Disney Scene It. We made Mint Madness ice cream sundaes—peppermint ice cream topped with hot fudge, a mini candy cane and a peppermint patty. YUM. We changed the clocks so that Lucy and Ella thought they stayed up until midnight, and made sure to tell them that the noisemakers were only for after midnight!