Mark, Ellen, Lucy, Ella, and I started the day off with a game of Simon Says on the National Mall.

Our next stop was the World War II Memorial...still a favorite of ours. Meet the monkeys--our newest souvenirs courtesy of Oma and Opa. Ella named hers "Chunky" and "Monkey." Lucy's are "Eena" and "Meena."

On Wisconsin!

There were lots of little ducklings in the reflecting pool...the girls had tons of fun watching them.

The Korean War Veterans Memorial

We stopped to review the rules at each memorial...no food or drink, no running, no bikes, no littering...the girls were very good at following the rules and being respectful.

The wall had laser etchings of pictures of soldiers and reflected the statues beautifully.

Ella, Lucy, and Abe

The Lincoln Memorial

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was very moving.

There was a Marine on guard at the White House. We were told that this means the President is there. Reporters and cameras were all set up, but we didn't see any action.

Ella stood by the gate and called,"Obamaaaa...Obaaaama...where ARE you?" and then was really baffled when he didn't come out to greet us. She decided to try for the dog and said, "Here, Bo...come here, Bo!" After we left she told us that she was calling and calling and they never came out--she couldn't believe it. We had a great day and were very happy that the weather cooperated!
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