Lucy and Ella are excited about being big sisters to Audrey. They love giving her hugs and kisses and seeing her pretty eyes. Lucy started talking to my belly a few weeks ago, and her chosen phrase time and time again was, "Coochy-coochy-coo," said in a high-pitched, baby-talk manner. Once Audrey was born, the baby talk continued. After we got home from the hospital, Lucy started calling Audrey "Cooch." Greg and I quickly put a stop to that, and now (thankfully!) Lucy sticks to calling Audrey by her name or just "Little."

Ella and Lucy used the tool set from Audrey to make the first letters of their names.

We have had a lot of help to make the transition easier for the girls. Ellen stayed with us for a few days and was able to give Lucy and Ella lots of love and attention while we got settled in with the baby. Grandma and Grandpa have been frequent visitors and have helped get the girls out of the house quite a bit. Here, they are headed to my mom and dad's pool. We are so thankful for all of this help!!
Dan TOTALLY thinks you should have stuck with "Cooch." In fact, this is now what he is going to call Audrey.