Monday, April 20, 2009

Ready to go!

Here we are...all ready to start our trip to Washington, D.C.  The girls were so excited to leave--Lucy kept saying, "I really wanna get out the door!" as we were packing up the last few things.  We left on Wednesday evening and had a smooth drive through Chicago--no traffic--and made it to South Bend, IN in time for bed.  Thursday we drove all day and stopped for the night in Monroeville, PA.  The girls were excited for swimming and eating out for dinner...we were excited to be out of the car!  After a great night's sleep, we got back in the car and finished the drive.  We made it to Silver Spring, MD (where we are living) by 5:00pm.  Greg and I would like to thank the countless shows and movies, Aquadoodle pages, MagnaDoodle boards, Strawberry Shortcake books and coloring books, Chex mix, Cheerios, and fruit snacks that made this trip possible.  We truly could not have done it without you.


  1. We sure miss all of you, can't wait to see your place in person

  2. So glad you made it safe! Looks like a very nice place.
    Waynz World is nearly history. One or two more days of moving out and we will be on to the next thing in our lives, whatever that is.
    Ang and the kids are on their way to WI as we speak!! Staying for a week or so. She is homesick and we actually have some time to visit now.
    Miss you already and can't wait to hear all of the things you will be seeing and doing.
    Love to all of you...xoxoxoxo Donn

  3. Yay! You made it safe and sound:) The pics of the apartment are great. Looks like you guys are in for a great adventure. I thought of you tonight, Sarah. I noticed a flier for a 5K run/walk for the Becky Werner Meningitis Foundation this Saturday. I'd love to participate, but I have to work (what's new!?). Is it always on the last weekend in April? Say "hi" to the girls! Love you guys.
