We took a break at a rest stop for lunch and ordered some kids' meals from Burger King...I came to the table with the famous Burger King crowns, which was AWESOME. The girls are big fans of Fancy Nancy books, and Nancy often eats at The King's Crown, where she always gets a crown for herself. Lucy and Ella were convinced that we, too, were eating at The King's Crown, and were thrilled. The best part was when Ella announced that she was Robert, Nancy's only male friend. For those of you who aren't aware of Ella's fascination with alter-egos, you should know that she is almost never herself, but rather a favorite character. Some popular choices are Huck (from Strawberry Shortcake), Diego (of Go Diego Go), Max (of Max and Ruby), and Tyrone (from Backyardigans). Yes, all boys! It's hilarious because she can be SO girly, too...she's obsessed with shoes and loves to dress up with beads and to style my hair. Anyway, it was just perfect when Ella decided she was Robert...absolutely priceless.
Sandusky, Ohio was our stop on Saturday night. By the time we got settled into our hotel room, it was almost 8:00, so we went right to dinner. Cracker Barrel was our pick, and it ended up working out perfectly. The girls loved their dinner and had a blast in the store afterwards. Greg did too, as he found one of his favorite toys from childhood, a gyroscope. He had way too much fun showing the girls how it worked back at the hotel!
We hit some traffic in Chicago on Sunday, but that was expected...it IS Chicago, after all. The girls surprised us and never napped, so the last leg of the trip was pretty long. We were all very excited to get home and out of the car!
Our original plan was to arrive home on Monday, so Greg had off of work. I woke up with a migraine early Monday morning which meant the day was not as productive as I had hoped. The girls got to play outside, Greg worked on the garden, and I got meal planning done and the grocery list made. Mom and dad has the four of us and Bill over for dinner--a yummy homecooked meal and good company really hit the spot.
Yesterday afternoon I started feeling better and felt great by the evening. Today some massive unpacking and laundry needs to be done, but the sunshine is beckoning us outside...
I started this blog with the intention of having a great record of our adventures in DC, but am finding that it's a wonderful way to keep track of little everyday stories about Lucy and Ella that I would otherwise forget all too quickly. So, I've decided to keep blogging. My friend Kristi Jo gave me an amazing Mother's Day gift yesterday--she printed out the entire blog and put it in a binder! I have always wanted to scrapbook the thousands of pictures I take, but have never had the time to even get started. Hopefully I can find a few minutes here and there to continue the blog...if I don't get around to scrapbooking until the kids are in college, so be it.
I'm so glad for the new post! That's really funny about Greg and the gyrospheres because Nate found two of them a couple years ago and was just as thrilled. I wouldn't be suprised if they played with them together when they were younger. Welcome back!