Oma and Opa came for a visit this past weekend! Greg had to work most of the weekend, so we visited him for dinner on Friday. He's at Children's Hospital this month, so we got to see where he's been working and check out the gorgeous hospital. Saturday we hung out at home and ran some errands...we bought a new area rug and curtains for our new playroom! Mark and Ellen agreed to store our dining room furniture for us, so we have been working hard on painting and clearing the room out to make it a playroom. Greg was unfortunately back at work on Sunday. Mark and I loaded up the trailer and Auntie Julie came for a visit...after some quality play time, it was time for naps and for Oma, Opa, and Julie to head home. That night, Mom and Dad brought over a delicious dinner and let me get things ready for Monday. Thanks to everyone for helping out over the weekend--I really appreciate having company and help with the girls when Greg can't be around. We had tons of fun!
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