Audrey is 5 months old! She's been busy this past month--she's grabbing and playing with toys, talking and shrieking for attention, and cracking us up with her sweet laughter. She's no longer interested in the nuk, but her love affair with her thumb is going strong. Sleeping is not going very well these days...ever since my post-Christmas sickness, she is waking up at all hours and isn't a fan of napping. We are very anxious to get her back on track, so we are starting the preparations to switch the girls' bedrooms around to get Audrey into her own room. Audrey just tried out the exersaucer and loved being able to watch her sisters from a new point of view. Just today, she rolled from her back to her tummy for the first time! Now, every time we put her down she immediately rolls over onto her tummy. She has only gone from tummy to back once, so hopefully she figures that one out soon...she gets so frustrated when she's stuck! Audrey has found her feet and is absolutely fascinated by them...she is very content to be on the floor so that she can grab them--adorable!

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