We are so happy to welcome Matt, my cousin Veronica's husband, to the family!

Vernie and Matt with Grandma Werner

Vern's sister, Angie, and her family live in South Dakota. They came in for the wedding, and it was SO great to see them! Jaeden is my godson, and I miss him like crazy! We got to hang out a little and tore up the dance floor together at the reception.

Grandma Donna (my aunt) with her grandchildren, Ava, Jorie, and Jaeden. Cole wasn't ready for a picture yet.

Jorie and Grandpa Wayne

The Slawson family--Ang, Amy, Vern, Donna, and Wayne

Sisters Amy and Vern

Sisters Annie and Chris

Audrey wasn't awake for much of the evening, but she looked adorable in her party dress!

Words cannot explain how much fun Lucy and Ella had dancing. Here they are with Lainy, being crazy!

Ella got to dance with Uncle Bobby...so sweet.

Grandma and Audrey

Donna told me that after Jorie went home, she called Lucy and Ella her "dancing friends." LOVE it!

Bill and Lindsey

Grandpa and Ella

Coley, ready for his picture!

Lucy and Kaylee

Me, Momma and Willy
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