Ella moved upstairs into Lucy's room and a big girl bed! Both girls were thrilled that this finally happened...it's been in the works for a while, but Greg and I were waiting until we were ready to move Audrey into her own room to make the change. During our bedtime routine, the girls were running to the bathroom and Lucy told Ella, "This is going to be the best night of our lives!" in the most enthusiastic voice you've ever heard. The first night went really well and we are excited for them to have some quality time together...they love each other so much. Audrey, however, was not a big fan of moving into her own room. She was such a great sleeper right up until I got sick after Christmas...since then, she has been up every few hours at night, wanting to eat. We needed to put an end to this so we are sleep training with her, which is not fun...at all. Greg and I are soooo tired...please wish us luck.
This is such a sweet picture!!