Saturday, May 8, 2010

9 Months

Audrey is 9 months!  She's weighing in at 19 pounds 13 ounces, is 28.5 inches, and has her second tooth!.  She's learned to army crawl and is just starting to pull herself up on furniture and get on all fours.  She's so good at army crawling, we aren't sure if she will ever crawl the conventional way--we'll see!  She's doing lots of waving, says "mama" and "dada" and uses sign language to say "more" and "all done."  Audrey loves playing Patty Cake, her ball popper toy, her nubby blue ball (all balls, really), books (especially when they have different textures to feel), and baby dolls.  She rolls around with them and gives them's hilarious.  A typical meal is still jarred baby food and baby cereal, but she has just started trying out bananas, cheerios broken in half, and Gerber Graduate Puffs and Crunchies.  She is absolutely loving her finger foods, but is still pretty lukewarm on her sippy cup.  Audrey knows when Daddy comes home by the sounds of the door and the gate...she gets really excited and yells at him until he comes to pick her's adorable.  After each meal, we use our carpet sweeper to clean up the crumbs.  Audrey is fascinated by it and chases it around the room, which is hysterical to watch.  Her smile and laughter certainly keep us smiling and laughing each and every day!

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