Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lucy's Graduation

As we were headed to Madison for Uncle Paul's graduation, Lucy asked Greg and I, "What's a graduation?"  We said it was a ceremony where you celebrated the ending of something, like school.  She said, "I'm finishing 3K...will I have a graduation?"  We hadn't heard anything at that point about a graduation, so we told her she probably wouldn't have one.  She was SO disappointed.

One day shortly after that, I picked her up from school and she was absolutely beaming.  It turns out Lucy and her classmates were having a graduation ceremony after all!  She talked about it the whole way home, planning to make phone calls and send out invitations.  I wish I would have video taped the calls she made--she had a script all figured out and was completely adorable.  She worked really hard on her invitations and helped me make cookies for her class.

Here she is making her entrance...

Lucy's 3K class

Singing "Let There Always Be"

The lyrics are
Let there always be sunshine
Let there always be blue skies
Let there always be mommies/daddies/families/friends
Let there always be me

So cute!

Lucy receiving her diploma

Our graduate

Singing "It's Time to Say Goodbye to My Friends"

A celebration lunch at Noodles

Thanks for the yummy cake, Auntie Julie!

Lucy, we are so proud of you!

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