After ringing bells, we had tickets to see Bethlehem Marketplace at Elmbrook Church. This was our first time there, but we had heard it was really amazing. We were dressed in lots of layers because of bell-ringing, and were running late because of lunch, diapers, potty-breaks, etc. so the whole thing didn't start off on exactly the right foot. I told Greg where to go, and as we were approaching the church, I realized it was the wrong one! I have driven past Spring Creek Church a million times my head, it was Elmbrook. Guess what? It's not. It's Spring Creek. Ugghh! So, thanks to my cousin Laura, we found Elmbrook and got inside.
We couldn't bring a stroller, so I hooked Audrey up in the Baby Bijorn, and we got in line. Once they let you in, you watch a short video introduction. Then you move on to the Time Tunnel, which takes you back in time to Bethlehem. The Time Tunnel is a pitch-black hallway with strobe girls DID NOT like it. But once we were in, all was calm, all was bright. After a minute or so, we realized it was over 80 degrees in Bethlehem!!! Instant sweating. The first room was the oasis--there was a real camel, chickens, roosters, and sheep. The girls were VERY excited. They met some people in tents making bread and porridge, and on the way into Bethlehem, they had to register with the town. They each received some sheckels to spend at the marketplace, and after one more hallway, we were in. Within a minute, Ella was screaming, "I'm peeing!" and began crying at the top of her lungs. She soaked her jeans all the way down her legs. So, guess where we had to go to find a restroom? Through the Time Tunnel.
Lucy realized this before we got there, and announced, " I WILL NOT go through the Time Tunnel," and began crying. After dragging our screaming children through the TT, we were chased down by a little boy who worked there. He promised to show us the secret passage way into Bethlehem so that there wouldn't be anymore TT drama. We found the restrooms, and keeping my cool--mentally, that is...I was dripping with sweat--I told Greg to use the blow dryer on her jeans. I didn't have extra clothes, as Ella has never had an accident and is just about done potty training...lesson learned.
I decided to take Lucy to the bathroom as well, and saw that there weren't any blow dryers. However, I remembered that the girls WERE dressed in layers! I had Lucy remove her cotton tights from under her jeans, found a man to hunt Greg down in the Men's room, delivered the tights, and decided to just laugh at the fact that Ella would be exploring Bethlehem wearing a turtleneck, sweater, tights, and boots. After we went through the passage way back into Bethlehem, the girls were wonderful and had an amazing time.
It was so realistic! The girls bought bread and honey, grapes, a bracelet, some beads, and gave money to a beggar. They learned how to make a rope and watched women make pottery. After making our way through the market, we ended up at the Nativity Scene, where there was a real baby Jesus with Mary and Joseph. Lucy and Ella had such a sparkle in their eyes...they loved it so much! It was definitely worth all the trouble we went through, and we will definitely go back next year...with extra clothes packed.