It's time for some catching up on the blog!

We went to church with my mom and dad on Christmas Eve. The girls were so well behaved and really enjoyed the service, which was somewhat directed at kids. They got to go up to the alter during the sermon to hear a Christmas story, see the huge nativity scene, and sing Silent Night to baby Jesus...they were thrilled! After church we had dinner and exchanged a few gifts at my mom and dad's with Grandma and Grandpa Kuff and Uncle Scott.

We set out milk and cookies for Santa and put some reindeer food that Lucy brought home from a zoo class outside our front door for Rudolph and friends. The next morning, we saw that the food was gone and Lucy and Ella found 2 bells that had fallen off the reins while the reindeer were eating!

These are the gifts that Lucy and Ella shopped for and wrapped themselves--they were SO excited to give these out!

Greg got a new watch from Ella and some fishing lures from Lucy, and both girls picked out some beautiful jewelry for me. Ella bought Lucy a princess watch and necklace and Audrey a new rattle. Lucy got a "Make Your Own Slime" kit for Ella and a book for Audrey. Greg and I were very touched by the level of thoughtfulness and pride that went into each gift!

Ella's sweet face full of Christmas morning excitement!

After our wonderful morning together, we drove out to my Grandma Werner's house for the afternoon and evening. Here's Lucy and Ella with Charlie...he's such a sweetheart! We had a great (albeit crazy) day with my aunts, uncles, cousins, and their kids. Lucy and Ella played with the other kids all day and had a blast--Greg and I were pleasantly surprised at how well behaved they were despite being off schedule and being so jacked up on Christmas!

Ella had tons of fun with Uncle Bobby...she absolutely adores him, and I think he feels the same way about her!

Lucy and Uncle Billy

The next day we went to Julie and Patrick's house to celebrate with Greg's immediate family: Mark, Ellen, Julie, Patrick, and Paul. We all collaborated to make a yummy stir-fry dinner, did our gift exchange, and played a great Christmas trivia game that Julie and Patrick came up with.

I woke up on Sunday feeling a little queasy, but chalked it up to being short on sleep and holiday eating. We got ready and headed to my parents' house for Christmas with Mom, Dad, Bill, and his girlfriend, Lindsey. As we were unloading the car, I started to get the chills and immediately knew I was sick when I didn't want any of the Polish sausage for the brunch Mom and Dad had's my favorite! I bundled up under a pile of blankets in the recliner and ended up with a raging fever. I am completely embarassed to say that I threw up right in the living room and then spent the rest of the day in bed. It was so sad! I missed the whole day, and didn't really feel better until Tuesday. Thanks again to everyone for all your help with the girls while I rested. Other than the obvious unfortunate ending to our Christmas celebrations, we really did have an amazing time. We feel so blessed to have these 3 gifts to wake up to every morning!
Why do the worst viruses always strike at the most inconvinient time? I am glad you made it through that one - reading your blog makes me remember how terrible you had it. Santa will give you a vomit-free Christmas time next year.