Audrey is 4 months old! She weighed in at 14 pounds, 7 ounces, and measured 25.5 inches. She is officially a thumb-sucker, but will occasionally take the nuk when offered. Audrey loves to coo and sing, and we have heard a few precious giggles from her...we know that laughing is going to happen soon! She is still a good sleeper--we can usually count on one 8-hour stretch at night, and she usually goes back down after her early morning feeding. Audrey just adores her sisters, and it's obvious the feeling is mutual. Lucy and Ella can't wait to see her in the morning, and love showing her toys and singing songs to her. Audrey started batting at toys this month, and in the last few days has attemped to grab things. She's such a happy baby--I feel so lucky to have her in my life. I love you, sweet girl!

Here's a video of a very sleepy Audrey singing the blues, fighting sleep, and sucking her thumb...
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