Friday, June 11, 2010

10 Months

Audrey is 10 months old!  She has 4 teeth, and puts everything in her mouth.  She's an expert crawler, and has learned to go from crawling to sitting up on her own, and has no problem pulling up to standing on furniture and kneeling by her toy bin.  Audrey figured out how to put the balls into her ball popper and took her baby doll's hands in hers and made the baby clap!  She loves to dance...she sits up and rocks her body back and forth and does this arm dance while holding her hands together--it's super cute.  Audrey had added "Ella" and "ball" to her list of words.  She attempts to say "Lucy" but so far hasn't been successful.  She loves to imitate Greg and I when we say, "I'm gonna get you!" by saying "Git you!"  When Audrey is headed toward something she knows isn't for her, she says her version of  "no, no!" before we even have a chance to say it to her.   She now signs "eat," "please," and "thank you."  Audrey still gets jarred baby food, but is eating a lot of table food as well...she loves strawberries, Kix, Cheerios, and cooked carrots and is doing really well with water in her sippy cup.  Audrey is loving the warm weather and would spend all day in her swing if we let her.  She's so content to just hang out and watch her big sisters--she's the sweetest little thing!

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