Her doctor's appointment was a week later, when she was technically just over 5 weeks old. She weighed in at 10 lbs 15 oz and measured 22 inches. Audrey is such a good baby--she's very easy-going and sleeps really well for a newborn...she goes about 2.5-3 hours at time at night. She loves to snuggle and had the most kissable cheeks. Audrey is very strong--she lifted her head the day she was born and continues to use her muscles in ways she's not ready for! You have to be very careful holding her because she tends to throw her head back, and you just don't expect that from a baby so small. Audrey loves listening to our voices, especially those of her big sisters. Their craziness almost never makes her fuss, and she definitely turns her head in their direction...she's so curious! She seems to be making some eye contact with her beautiful blue eyes every once in a while and we have seen a few little smiles in passing...we can't wait for the real thing!
What a pudge! I love it. And the outfit is to die for!