For Lucy's party, we rented a school bus to take us to Barthel Fruit Farm to go apple picking. We were hoping for some crisp fall weather, but ended up with a ridiculously hot day! It was definitely better than rain, and much better than Lucy's first may remember the 40 degree day with winds that blew right through you. My father in-law went and bought tarps to hang and create walls on the shelter we were using to help block the wind--it was crazy! Anyway, we had a great time despite the heat. The girls were SO excited about the bus, and now they yell out, "school bus!" whenever they see one.

We picked Gingergold and McIntosh apples that day. The people at Barthel said that Gingergold are one of their most popular varieties--we had never heard of it. We brought a ton of them home and are loving them! So yummy!
This picture of Lucy and Bill (her godfather) has become a it.
The Miller family--Nate, Tina, Jordan, and Maya
Tavis and Simon get the award for funniest apple...
Grandpa and Grubas
Ella picking from the children's basket
Lucy and Julie, her godmother

We returned to my parents' clubhouse for lunch, cake, and gifts.

*thanks for the great picture, Nate*

Thanks to everyone who helped make the party a success, and to everyone who came and joined us! Lucy had a blast and both she and Ella have talked about the party every day since then. For being just 4 years old, she seems to truly appreciate having her family and friends celebrate with her. Greg and I are certainly grateful, too...we think birthdays are so important--celebrating another year with our little girl is a big deal to us, and it makes it so much more fun when loved ones can be there, too.

That cupcake picture is making me salivate.